Why is it not printing where I want it?

Most likely the focus was off. I don’t know how familiar you are with the :glowforge: but as this is your first time here I’m going to guess you’re pretty new - if I cover stuff you know then just skip those parts :stuck_out_tongue:

First - the :glowforge: has a 1/2" focus area, so anything you’re working on needs to be within 1/2" of the laser window. It’s likely that your material is more than 1" thick so this project is presumably being done with the tray removed.

Follow these instructions to understand how to get the item to within the focal range with the tray removed:

or these if you want something faster, but not quite as precise

Once you’ve got your material in place you need to make sure that the auto-focus laser dot hits where you want to engrave. If your computer is right next to your machine, then once you aimed and hit the Set Focus button watch the head, it’ll shine a red dot on your material. If it’s where you want it, GREAT - if it’s not, adjust your aim until it is.
That your material is black means that sometimes it has a hard time focusing - you may want to put a piece of masking there for it to aim at.

Once you’ve successfully Set Focus, then place your art work and hit print. The machine will auto-focus one more time which may make your art look like it’s in the wrong place, but if you don’t change anything you should be good - if you’re very worried and want it to be 100% perfect even with the auto-focus then you should build a jig that’s the same height as your material - you can put in layers of cardboard and cut out the shape of your material so that when you lay it in the part you’re working on is the same height as the cardboard surrounding it.

Let us know if that helps!