Random lines showing up on work

There’s lots of posts about it and these will get you started.

Random lines FIGURED OUT! (but not a fix)

Apr '18 - I’ve had random lines appear in two engraves since last night. I’ve seen at least five other other people report the same issue today. I engraved an SVG once and got…

Random line across design

Dec '18 - Every once in a while I get a random line across my artwork like the laser forgot to shut off. 20181203_154456.jpg 20181203_154456 20181203_154456.jpg 4032×2268 2.57 MB 20181203_154529.j…

Random Line Engraved

Nov '18 - So, this isn’t the first time I’ve gotten a random line in my designs. Just not to happy to see it after waiting an hour for this thing to engrave. The file itself does not have a line. When this happ…

Random Lines in Acrylic Engrave

Apr '18 - Yesterday I cut the same file twice and both have random lines in them. The first had a couple of smaller vertical lines in it. I cut the second one due to the small lines in the first and the second was fa…

Random line while engraving

Mar '18 - …1154 271 KB 6EEDCEC7-7949-47F2-A4D6-FB4B85EDF185.jpeg image 6EEDCEC7-7949-47F2-A4D6-FB4B85EDF185.jpeg 866×1154 374 KB The on the upper pic there is a random line connecting two images (to left of big P) that is not there on the bottom pic and also on another engrave. Not sure where it came from since it e…

Random lines showing up on work

1h - I have used the same file three times. First time the line doesn’t show up and it is no where to be found in the actual file. I then proceeded to laser a nice neon acrylic and not that is ruined. Is there an issue with the cloud software slicing the file up?

Random Lines being added to engrave

Feb '18 - I have tried engraving this design three times and, each time, one or more horizontal lines get engraved that are not in the design. Always in a different place. Any ideas what might be causing this? 28555569_10213660537660742_1531563825_o.jpg 28555569_10213660537660742_1531563825_o 28555569_1021…

Random Cut Lines Shifting

Feb '18 - …g Shift1-B Shift1-B.jpeg 866×1154 309 KB Shift1-C.jpeg Shift1-C Shift1-C.jpeg 866×1154 469 KB The second occurrence shifted the large rectangle and a random circle elsewhere on the file. (See images Shift2-A-B-C) Shift2-B.jpeg Shift2-B Shift2-B.jpeg 1154×866 291 KB Shift2-A.jpeg Shift2-A Shift2-A.jpeg 866…