September 15, 2017, 1:44am
I haven’t received my GF yet, but until I do I’d like to stock up on some supplies so that I can create when it does arrive.
Can someone recommend to me what I should purchase?
I’m a fan of all of the proofgrade, cherry being my favorite - but I use more maple than anything. I’m an acrylic fan also, but it depends on your interest and vision. Lot of materials.
If you’ve got the space, start breaking down every cardboard box that gets shipped to you and save it. Cardboard cuts easily and there’s a lot you can do with it, even if it’s just a temporary mock up of something you’ll do for real later.
Plus nobody wants to pay for that.
September 15, 2017, 1:56am
Yeah the darker colors are great for special projects, but I’ve found the maple the best for most image engraves. I use it far more than anything else
September 15, 2017, 1:58am
In addition to the excellent material suggestions, you might find this interesting…
I’m one of those investors who didn’t really know much about laser engraving, but was charmed and intrigued by the product and went ahead and bought one. My daughter and I (she’s nine) are really eagerly anticipating our Glowforge.
Any ideas about what we can read, study, etc. before the Blessed Event? Software we should brush up on? Books or blogs we could read?? Materials we can stock up on before it arrives?
Also, ideas on what we should do to prep our workroom?
My personal “must have” list:
6" Digital calipers
Gorilla tape
Blue tape
Wood stain “touch up” pens in a variety of shades
Magnets – ferrous or “neo”, but no thicker than 1/4 inch (I’ve had thick ones jump from the material to the underside of the gantry )
Did I mention digital calipers?
September 15, 2017, 2:31am
I would second the 6" digital calipers, the gorilla tape, the magnets, and the calipers.
I’ve got two sets of calipers in the lair and everything else on your list but the touch up pens, need to pick some of them up.
September 15, 2017, 2:55am
OMG —I forgot clamps ! Glorious, wonderful clamps in all shapes and sizes. You can’t have too many clamps. And a bag of assorted rubber bands.
@marmak3261 's square is right at a necessity.
September 15, 2017, 3:14am
All of the above + paper mask. I’m liking this stuff , and they also offer it in a 12" roll.
I think a big part of that answer is, what do you want to create?
There have been similar posts in the past with looooong lists of things to get. Just can’t seem to find the posts right now.
September 15, 2017, 12:13pm
dwardio linked to one in his reply. And here are a few more:
just found out that my brother has a 40 gallon barrel over flowing with 1/4 ash that he said he wasn’t sure what he was going to do with it. so I looked at it and said … I can laser that and its chinchilla safe so he said its all mine he also told me that at his shop they used poplar as a base for some of the things they make and at any given time they have close to 1000 board foot that is just scrap not big enough for them to do anything with so I said herm… that’s chinchilla …
What kinds of tools are you gathering to get ready for the pending arrival of your Glowforge? From the looks of things we won’t need a ruler.
I found a stack of flat laserable craft materials on sale before Christmas. So at least I have a bit of a start.
What is on your needs and wants list?
To make this post more visible to the Forums!
Here are some examples:
Great way to locate others near you (voluntary and incomplete)
Glowforge Map
Free Vector art
10 Tips and Tricks for Laser Engraving and Cutting
Adhesives decision chart
Vector Magic tracing program
Online PDF box generator with symmetric notches – makeabox.io
Online PDF box generator with symmetric notches – makeabox.io
Ceramic Industrial Magnets
Premium Baltic Birch Plywood
Almost November - getting closer… This got me thinking (along with some recent posts about calipers) about what other tools or supplies besides substrates may be helpful along side your forge. As mentioned, many users have or purchased the digital calipers ( USPS delivered mine today ! on a Sunday), but I’ve been looking (and purchasing) some other items.
Such as:
[image] Sanding Sticks - great for tight areas and taking just a “smidgen” off a tab for a fit. While Amazon carries them - I f…
Has anyone (or can anyone) who is experienced in lasering stuff compile a list of all the little things, tools, and materials that are necessary, or just plain useful to have around?
Maybe a shopping list for those about to receive their Glowforge can have on hand before it arrives, instead of fumbling through some stuff, going “D’oh!” and running to the hardware store or Amazon?
Alright friends, As @Jules suggested, I am going to start a list of useful tips for the inexperienced.
Please add things that might be common knowledge to those who are comfortable with lasers but that might be big news to someone who is new.
We were crediting the folks who generated the tip; but discourse only allows you to mention ten members.
General Tips
You want to go the fastest you can at the highest power possible to have clean edges.
Accessories to invest in
Digital Calip…
I find Riggers Bands to be perfect. They’re wide and strong (and used for packing parachutes so the manufacturing quality is top notch). When the piece gets too big for those, then it’s usually big enough to be able to use clamps effectively. Those fat ones used to hold asparagus bunches and other veggies together are also good.
September 15, 2017, 2:33pm
Thanks so much for the help, I guess I’ll just get a little bit of everything
I like to experiment and being a sculptor this is a whole new field for me to play with, so I would like to try a bit of everything as far as what this machine has to offer before I decide. I suppose I should have been a bit more specific… I definitely want to experiment with carving and engraving woods, metal also if that’s possible, most definitely acrylic. Do you have a specific place where you purchase such items?