What’s your favorite all time project you made? I know it’s hard to pick just one but I’m curious to see what everyone picks and made that they feel is most important to them. If you’d like to share a photo and what it is I’d love to see them all.
It’s so hard to choose but right now I think my favorite would have to be this little Apple Watch tv stand. But I like so many others too… lol.
Oh, so many horcruxes to choose from! I don’t think I could ever choose the same ‘favorite’ piece on two different days, but today…I’m going to choose my Alpha Centauri Geology Lab. My Grandfather was a WWII and Korean War veteran, but my whole life I knew him, he taught high school geology and would always point out different rock formations and layers in the mountainsides as we drove around, and never passing up an opportunity to crack open a geode. I’m fairly certain he is the reason I’m drawn to rocks and crystals and gems…their vibrations resonate in my blood, like they apparently did in his. He passed almost 20 years ago, but I still carry him with me and think about him all the time.
Indeed there have been several high points. As something so tricky I am not likely to go there again this would have to be the case but there are several more to love.
It was a shame when it was knocked off the wall. Never quite recovered.
Still working on a mantel version in the back of my head. Hope to complete it sometime. Really just looking for a better “power” source or more efficient gear train.
This week, I think it’s my Outrage Emergency case. I whipped this up in about 15 minutes for an author friend who got a 1-star review on her book because it had “salty language” in it.
It seems to resonate with people, because I keep seeing it reposted by random people on social media, and it’s become my second-best seller after my acrylic cat butt puzzles.
There’s a 7(?) year old kid next door. His Dad had commented when we borrowed their mower that when we put it back to be sure to tuck it into the corner, otherwise his kid would be sitting in the garage spinning the wheels…so I made him your spinner as a thank you I’m not sure the kid ever saw the original one cuz Dad was sure he’d break it (and my comments that I could make it again if he did fell on deaf ears), but I made it again twice the size (using 1/4" material) so Dad would stop worrying. Thanks for the design!